Butte Public Library IT NINJA


Axel Samano: The Tech Expert at Butte Public Library

If you have ever visited the Butte Public Library in Montana, chances are that you have met Axel Samano. Axel is the tech expert who keeps our computers running and our website up to date. Her passion for technology has made her an indispensable member of our team.

Axel's love for computers started at a young age. She was fascinated by them since she was 10 years old and by the age of 12, she was already an expert in Ms-DOS. Her technology teacher allowed her to explain the commands and classes of Ms-DOS to the class. This early exposure to computers led to her pursuing a career in the technology field.

Today, Axel is an expert in Bash, Powershell, and Python, her favorite programming languages. She is always eager to learn about new programming languages and technologies to stay up to date with the latest trends. Her expertise in these areas has allowed her to keep our library's website up to date and functional.

One of the best things about Axel is that she is always willing to help others. Every first and third Tuesday of the month, she visits the Belmont Senior Center from 11am to 1pm to offer personalized help to seniors with any technology-related issues they may have. Axel's patience and knowledge have helped countless seniors overcome their fear of technology.

But Axel's help is not just limited to the Belmont Senior Center. Anyone can make an appointment with Axel at the library to get help with their devices. Whether you are struggling to connect to Wi-Fi or having trouble with a software program, Axel is always there to help.

In conclusion, Axel Samano is an essential member of the Butte Public Library team. Her passion for technology and her willingness to help others have made her an invaluable asset to our community.

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